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About us

Welcome to Unsimply Sourdough, where passion meets the oven, and love is baked into every loaf! I’m Elana and I'm thrilled to share my love for the art of sourdough with you.

Our Story

Born out of a genuine passion for creativity and a love for the kitchen, (Un)simply Sourdough is more than just a bakery – it's a journey into the heart of artisanal sourdough. My culinary adventure began with a fascination for the creative world of cooking, decorating, and crafting beautiful tablescapes and floral arrangements. Yet, despite my natural creative instincts, the world of sourdough initially seemed so intimidating.

The allure of sourdough, with its unique taste, rustic appearance, and the very idea of it, kept calling to me. However, the perceived challenges – the time consumption, the need to keep something alive besides my family, and the meticulous weighing and measuring – were daunting.

Then came January 2020, a pivotal moment when I found myself in a small, enchanting sourdough bakery nestled in the heart of Jerusalem. Surrounded by the aroma of freshly baked bread and captivated by the craftsmanship of the bakers, I knew I had found my muse. Inspired and determined, I decided to conquer my sourdough fears and embarked on a baking journey that has been nothing short of transformative.

The Unsimply Sourdough Experience

At (Un)simply Sourdough,  we believe in the magic that happens when flour, water, and time come together. From our kitchen to your home, each loaf tells a story of dedication, experimentation, and a deep love for the craft. We understand the joy that a perfectly baked loaf can bring to a table, and we strive to share that joy with you. Explore our range of artisanal sourdough products including breads, focaccia, cookies, muffins and more.

Join Us on the Journey

We have turned the seemingly complex art of sourdough into an accessible and enjoyable experience. No longer do you need to be intimidated by the process.

Whether you're a seasoned sourdough enthusiast or a curious beginner, (Un)simply Sourdough invites you to be a part of our community. Explore our range of artisanal sourdough products, discover helpful tips and tricks on our instagram page, and embark on your own baking adventure with our coaching and workshops.

Thank you for joining us on this delicious journey. 

Elana Garfield/(Un)simply Sourdough